Green Mountain Boys

Look who made the front page! Our own Shat Acres Green Mountain Boys!

Ethan and Allen, Shat Acres' twin bulls were born 5/19/2024. Their dam is Shat Acres Raisin Pie, their sire Skye High Glen Rock. For more of their story, see post below THE LIFE OF PIE.

Ethan Allen was born January 21, 1738. He was an American farmer, writer, military officer and politician. He is best known as the founder of Vermont, and in 1775 during the Revolutionary War with his Green Mountain Boys brigade, the capture of Fort Ticonderoga from the British without a single shot being fired. How better to memorialize one of Vermont’s most cherished heroes than naming Raisin Pie’s twin Green Mountain Boys Ethan and Allen? Shat Acres Ethan and Shat Acres Allen probably won’t capture a fort, but they have already captured many hearts. They are super tame, super healthy and are already bringing awe and joy to so many. In August they will travel to the Champlain Valley Fair to McDonald's Farm for ten days, where Shat Acres has shared a Highland Cow and Calf for fifty-one years. At just that one Fair, Shat Acres has introduced and promoted Highland cattle to over five million people. The last time Shat Acres twins were in that barn was 2011 when Cinnamon Raisin and heifer twins Crimson and Clover brought joy to the over 120,000 visitors that visited the Fair. Ethan and Allen and momma Raisin Pie will follow in Cinnamon Raisin's hoof steps this year.


Picnic by the Pasture


The Life of Pie