Those Who Give Love Gather Love
If you raise Highland Beef you have a special gift to share. In collaboration with Glean, we are able to offer some of our Greenfield Highland Beef to many facing food insecurity. What a blessing to help seniors, children, and others have access to delicious, healthy, local protein. We are grateful to Glean/Community Harvest of Vermont to find just the right place to share our product.
Phoenix Rising
"Why did you drop him on his head?” came the indignant cry from my grandson.
The timing had been perfectly wrong.
“Stay right where you are, behind that gate. Don’t come any closer,” Ray had directed.
When my daughter and grandchildren arrived for a visit, they heard loud voices and a commotion coming from the barn. Hurrying up the hill toward the noise, they opened the gate and rushed into the alleyway. That’s when they were instructed to go no further.
“Get me a pair of gloves and the chains. And bring the lubricant.”
Shat Acres Raisin Tart was the last cow scheduled to calve in the summer of 2024. We use only natural breeding for our cow/calf farm. Our bull tells us when calves are due to arrive. We watch for the bull to ‘tail’ a cow, following her closely with his nose to her tail. If she is cycling, he will keep close company with her for 36-48 hours. Bulls are sneaky when it comes to completing their work, so we rarely witness the consummation.
New Shat Acres Swag Shop!
Do you love fuzzy Highland Cows? Do you wish you could be close to them all the time? Or maybe have one of your own? Now you can!
We are proud and excited to share our new Shat Acres Swag Shop!
Caps, T-shirts, Hoodies, mugs, magnets and more--all sporting our logo with an image of Shat Acres Vickie, 2005 Roll of Excellence Female for the United States!
Let us know if there are any other products you would like to see our logo on!
Green Mountain Boys
The Green Mountain Boys are growing up! Twins Shat Acres Ethan & Shat Acres Allen have been bringing smiles and joy to so many, since the day they were born. Now nearly eight months old, they are weaned, halter trained, socialized and love being around guests staying at our Highland House Farm Stay and those visiting for a farm tour. These boys ooze the best of Shat Acres’ heritage Highland genetics.
Missing Shat Acres Cinnamon Bear
Blessed to have Bear's incredibly docile personality, breathtaking frame size and conformation, and all the genetic traits that made him Grand Champion over and over again, still infusing our fold with his desirable traits.
Cinnamon Bear never suffered a day in his life. On January 1, 2020 Bear lay down amongst his beloved women and took his last breath. When Ray went out to feed the cattle that morning Bear was laying upright just like he wa
Stuck in Reverse
“Get the Vet!”
And I thought the most amazing Black Friday surprise would be the spectacular sunrise and beautiful photo ops after our first major snowfall.
Shat Acres Cinnamon Taffy did not calve on the due date I had written down for her. She did not calve during our entire calving season. We assumed Taffy would not produce a 2024 calf. Around the 1st of November Taffy began showing signs that she was bred. Quite bred. She was brought from general population closer to the barn. Three days ago, Ray moved Taffy into a clean, straw filled pen in the barn. Highlands are a hearty breed and most of our cattle live outdoors year-round--except when calving, being weaned, or for vet care. Ray had a feeling Taffy might be getting close to calving.
Not all farming days are good days.
Twin Gentle Giants, Shat Acres Rob and Roy returned home today from their summer pasture. Rob said he was sorry for smacking Ray’s head with his 66” horn spread. Roy's are even larger at 67". According to Rob, it was an accident. It is always a challenge to get these two steers into and unloaded from the trailer. Weighing over a ton each, you don’t just whistle for them to come like a dog. If you can convince one of them to jump into the trailer, that first one in pretty much fills the trailer. Then brother has to climb in, joining his twin. Luckily the trip home is less than a mile. Rob and Roy are so bonded that we cannot make two trips, leaving one behind.
While Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion were Trick or Treating with grandchildren, Shat Acres Brandywine was delivering a Halloween surprise!
Here's the Trick: Brandywine did not calve this summer, and we thought she would not in 2024
Here's the Treat: In the morning we discovered Brandywine with a healthy new baby girl in the field.
Results from the World Virtual Highland Cattle Show 2024 are in!
Judge Henry Walter Prescott-Ballagh from New Zealand evaluated 251 photo entries from 44 folds, from 9 countries, awarding 1st-4th placements in each class. Prior to seeing the Judge's placements, breeders who entered animals into the show were invited to judge the classes, resulting in People's Choice Awards. It was most interesting to see how closely the People's Choice selections aligned with Judge Prescott-Ballagh's placements. The cream-colored photo edgings are Judge Prescott-Ballagh's choices, the yellow-edged photos are People's Choice awards.
She Said “Yes!”
What an honor for Highland House Farm Stay, Ray and me to be part of this joyous occasion! You could not have asked for a more beautiful day, a kinder and more loving couple, or more caring and supportive friends. We have hosted birthday and anniversary celebrations, bachelorette parties, multi-generational family gatherings with and guests from all over the world, but this one takes the cake!
Breaking New Roots
After farming for six challenging years Olivia and her family sold their Indiana farm to travel the country, filming and learning from other farmers who adhere to regenerative agriculture practices. With their newfound knowledge, these travelers hope to purchase another tract of land to farm with more success than their first attempt.
100% Grass Fed & Finished
We are so grateful to those who support us and other local farmers and vendors at the Market. The Farmers Market is where you can meet the farmer who grew your food, learn about the humane and regenerative practices used to bring fresh from the farm food to you, and get tips or recipes to prepare their products.
Precious Memories
The world lost a ceiling-breaking journalist, and an incredibly kind, loving soul. Judy Simpson began her trailblazing career as a journalist in 1985, joining WCAX in 1997 as a reporter. She later became the morning news anchor at WCAX in 2000, leaving that role to continue as host of Across the Fence until 2018, when she retired.
Amazin’ Rasin
Ray is the true farmer and herdsperson of our team, but he always referred to Cinnamon Raisin as "Janet's Cow." Yes, Raisin was an amazing show girl and champion, but most of all she was one of the most loyal and trusted friends I ever had. Even with so many Highlands we have loved and been proud of, I miss Raisin every day.
Shaggy Cows!
“There they are, the Shaggy Cows! My favorites!”
“Is that a small cow?” several people asked, pointing to Peeka.
With all the cattle home and Peeka and her humans recuperating from long days at the Fair, our 52nd year sharing Shat Acres Highlands with admirers at the Best Ten Days of Summer is in the books! The Champlain Valley Fair is Vermont’s largest agricultural fair, hosting 180,000 visitors during its 10 day run. In 52 years just at that fair alone, Shat Acres has introduced Highland cattle to close to ten million people!
The Best Ten Days of Summer, Champlain Valley Fair!
"I know someone who has Highland Cattle in Michigan," she shared with Ray while admiring Raisin Pie, Ethan and Allen at McDonald's Farm at the Champlain Valley Fair in Essex, Vermont.
"Who's that?" Ray asked.
"Someone named Skyler."
"Skyler Anderson? I've known Skyler since he was nine years old. I met him in Cambridge, Ohio when he was helping Valerie with her cattle."
First Bath
First bath for Shat Acres’ twin Green Mountain Boys, Ethan and Allen! Momma Shat Acres Raisin Pie is a pro at showing and exhibiting at the Champlain Valley Fair and kept her boys super calm. Pie and her twin bull calves will be at McDonald’s Farm for the next 10 days. This is the 52nd year—more than half a century—that Shat Acres has offered a Cow and Calf to exhibit at McDonald’s Farm! More Shat Acres Highlands Cows and Calves arrive in the cattle barn the end of next week.
Stop by and say hi to the Shat Acres girls and boys!
For more information about Raisin Pie and twins Ethan and Allen scroll back on my page to June 30th to read "THE LIFE OF PIE."
Guests from Dubai
Guests from Dubai, Washington State, Arkansas, New England and Vermont traveled to Plainfield to join us at our annual 2024 Open Farm Day! We love sharing our farm, regenerative agriculture practices, and heritage Highland Cattle with such appreciative and grateful guests. Shat Acres Raisin Pie with twins Ethan and Allen were definitely the Stars of the Show.
Picnic by the Pasture
Have you always wanted to cuddle a Highland calf? Comb a Highland cow? Spend a few minutes or a few hours relaxing amongst the oldest registered fold of Highland Cattle in the US while gazing out at one of the most beautiful vistas in Vermont?
Come meet our Highland Green Mountain Boys, twins Ethan and Allen and their momma Shat Acres Raisin Pie. The twins are super tame and love to be cuddled and combed. Bring a blanket and a picnic if you like, we’ll supply Highland cake for dessert!
Green Mountain Boys
Look who made the front page! Our own Shat Acres Green Mountain Boys!
Ethan and Allen, Shat Acres' twin bulls were born 5/19/2024. Their dam is Shat Acres Raisin Pie, their sire Skye High Glen Rock. For more of their story, see post below THE LIFE OF PIE.