Shaggy Cows!

“There they are, the Shaggy Cows! My favorites!”

“Is that a small cow?” several people asked, pointing to Peeka.

With all the cattle home and Peeka and her humans recuperating from long days at the Fair, our 52nd year sharing Shat Acres Highlands with admirers at the Best Ten Days of Summer is in the books! The Champlain Valley Fair is Vermont’s largest agricultural fair, hosting 180,000 visitors during its 10 day run. In 52 years just at that fair alone, Shat Acres has introduced Highland cattle to close to ten million people!

When the Highlands first arrived at the Fair half a century ago, they were a novelty very few had ever seen before. Highland cattle were rare in New England. Highlands are now well known throughout Vermont, New England, and the United States. Though no longer a threatened breed, they are still unique with their long hair and long horns. There is something magical about Highland cattle that bring people peace and comfort.

Peeka was loved on by young and old, wagging her tail to invite any and all passers-by to pet her. And leaning on the gate looking into our Highland bull’s eyes a visitor said, “Please don’t mind me. I’ll be standing here for a while, just staring at your cows. I am totally enchanted by Highlands.”

We feel blessed to have these gifts to share and hope to return for year fifty-three!


The Best Ten Days of Summer, Champlain Valley Fair!