The Best Ten Days of Summer, Champlain Valley Fair!

"I know someone who has Highland Cattle in Michigan," she shared with Ray while admiring Raisin Pie, Ethan and Allen at McDonald's Farm at the Champlain Valley Fair in Essex, Vermont.

"Who's that?" Ray asked.

"Someone named Skyler."

"Skyler Anderson? I've known Skyler since he was nine years old. I met him in Cambridge, Ohio when he was helping Valerie with her cattle."

Highland Cattle have a way of making a big world small. A fellow nurse from Michigan who works with Skyler, ends up in Vermont at the Champlain Valley Fair leaning over the pen looking at Pie and her twins. And Ray just happened to be standing there, always eager to talk to anyone about his Shat Acres Highlands.

Think that's a coincidence? Remember the LIFE OF PIE that I posted on my FB page June 30th? Guess who rescued Pie from certain death in Virginia, getting her safely onto a trailer to return home to Vermont to live the life she deserved? Yup, it was Skyler Anderson. Skyler told us we might not recognize Pie when we saw her, but at the time we had no idea what he was referring to.

Think that's enough connections? Shat Acres Raisin Pie's twins Ethan and Allen that Michigan nurse was admiring were sired by none other than Skye High Farms Glen Rock! We purchased our beloved bull, Rocky, from Coldwater Michigan in 2019--from Skyler Anderson! Rocky has been our herd sire for five years, siring over ninety Highland calves since arriving on our farm! We have sent Skye High Farms genetics all over the country, to over thirty states!

We are still shaking our heads at this incredible coincidence and all the connections. All this happened while at another part of the fair, I was speaking with the local television station about featuring our Shat Acres Green Mountain Boys, Ethan and Allen later this week. I missed the whole conversation. Luckily the Michigan nurse took a selfie of herself and Ray, or I might not have believed it!

When you have grandsons who love anything that has wheels, makes noise and goes fast the Monster Truck Show was a necessary go-to event! I have to admit, those trucks and four wheelers were pretty amazing to watch!

A new feature this year at the Fair is the Shark Tank Show. Pretty interesting and very well done!

As they say, "The Best Ten Days of Summer, Champlain Valley Fair!" Always full of surprises, but this year's Highland connection takes the cake--or in this case Pie!


Shaggy Cows!


First Bath