Guests from Dubai

Guests from Dubai, Washington State, Arkansas, New England and Vermont traveled to Plainfield to join us at our annual 2024 Open Farm Day! We love sharing our farm, regenerative agriculture practices, and heritage Highland Cattle with such appreciative and grateful guests. Shat Acres Raisin Pie with twins Ethan and Allen were definitely the Stars of the Show. After a wild cavort and frantic re-capture on the lawn of momma and babies just before guests arrived, Pie and her kids behaved perfectly bringing peace and joy to all--young and old. Special thanks to Chris Covert, Aron Steward for the generosity of their time and their helping hands. Already looking forward to next year’s Open Farm Day when Shat Acres Highland cattle and our spectacular vistas can work their magic again! #shatacrehighlandcattle #highlandhousefarmstay


First Bath


Picnic by the Pasture